
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

Saturday:  by appointment only

Sunday:     by appointment only

Available 24 hours by appointment

7131 S Broadway

Haysville, KS 67060


Office Phone: (316) 305-6850

Ted Garcia  

Email: Ted@wichitawelding.com

Pete Garcia 

Email: Pete@wichitawelding.com

Lindsey Herrman (office manager)

Email: Lindsey@wichitawelding.com

Schedule Today

Tel: 316-305-6850

7131 S Broadway
Haysville, KS 67060

Stop by today for a consultation, and see what our commitment to quality is all about! 


We know what we’re doing, and we’re dedicated to keeping you and your family happy. From commercial to residential work, we're happy to help you in whatever venture you have! 


Your satisfaction is our highest priority!

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